Word for Mac Advanced (1 day – £595, plus VAT)

This course aims to show experienced Word users how to create sophisticated interactive documents using fields and forms; and to demonstrate techniques available in Word for creating and managing long documents. A good knowledge of all of Word’s basic and intermediate features is assumed.

Copying, Linking, and Embedding Data

Understanding Types of Data Sharing, Working with Hyperlinks, Working with Bookmarks, Embedding Data, Linking to Data in Other Files, Inserting Content with {IncludeText} and {IncludePicture}

Working with Fields

Understanding Fields, Inserting Fields, Updating Fields, Finding and Moving Between Fields, Converting Fields to Plain Text, Selecting the Right Field, Formatting Fields, Nesting Fields

Creating Forms

Understanding Forms, Designing the Form, Saving the Form as a Template, Word 2007 or Legacy Fields?, Displaying the Developer Tab, Creating a Form with Content Controls, Creating a Form with Legacy Form Fields, Protecting a Form, Filling Out a Form, Saving Only the Form Data, Printing Only the Form Data, Tips for Creating Printed Forms

Outlining and Summarizing Documents

Outline Basics, Viewing and Organizing the Outline, Numbering Outline Items, Printing or Copying an Outline, Using AutoSummarize

Using Master Documents

Understanding Master Documents, Creating a Master Document, Viewing and Collapsing Subdocuments, Editing Subdocuments, Modifying the Master Document’s Structure, Paginating and Printing a Master Document

Creating Tables of Contents and Other Listings

Creating a Table of Contents, Updating a TOC, Removing a TOC, Manually Marking Entries for the TOC, Creating Custom TOCs, Understanding the {TOC} Field Code, Working with Multiple TOCs, Creating a Custom TOC Preset, Creating a Table of Figures, Creating Citations and Tables of Authorities


About Indexes, Deciding on the Indexing Conventions, Marking Index Entries, Generating the Index, Formatting the Index, Updating the Index, Working Directly with {Index} Field Codes, Controlling the Appearance of Index Headings

Collaborating with Others

Understanding and Configuring Collaboration Tools, Working with Comments, Using Revision Tracking, Comparing Documents, Working in Full Screen Reading View

Protecting and Securing Documents

Understanding Document Protection in Office 2007, Restricting Access to a Document, Restricting What Users Can Do to a Document, Marking a Document as Final, Preventing Macro-Based Attacks, Protecting Your Privacy